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We Greet the Day

Sun Salutation “We Greet the Day” (Surya Namaskar)
This Sun Salutation video demonstrates a traditional sequence of twelve poses choreographed with breath. This sequence: 1) systematically stretches the front and back sides of the body while building heat; 2) links movement and breath which is fundamental to any yoga practice. Feel free to modify this routine while building your strength.

I’m about to demonstrate something called the Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar, and it means to greet the day or to say good morning sunshine to your body. Yoga has been around for so long and the Sun Salutation is a true traditional warm -up.

It balances out the flexibility and strength of the fronts and the backs of your body. It creates upper body strength. It stretches the back of your legs and your spine. It also gets your head below your heart, all in less than one minute.

It’s a really useful thing that once you get the hang of it, you can do it all by yourself even multiple times if you wanted to really break a sweat and get your energy moving. Pay attention to the sound of my breath and I’m going to do it two times.

Once where I say the pose and what I’m doing and then once where you just hear me breathing. Blocks are always an option if touching your toes is difficult. Mountain pose, arms overhead, fold forward bend, arms overhead, mountain pose.

Now listen to the breathing. You can find the Sun Salutation in many yoga classes. It’s the foundation of vinyasa yoga, which means flowing. You can also just learn how to do it at home on your mat and you can spice it up with different things.

You can hold certain parts longer, but it is an excellent way to get your blood flowing, your cheeks rosy, your heart rate up and just wake up every single part of your body.

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