Morning Ritual “Chi Flowing”
Morning Ritual “Chi Flowing” (Daily Routine Starter)
This Morning Ritual video is designed to inspire the creation of a daily practice. Five minutes is all you need to begin; remember, a short yoga practice is better than no practice. Select a variety of videos from this site to design your own personalized routine. Use what works well for your body, and make it fun.
Energy Locks “Bandhas Demystified”
Moving Core Energy “Bandhas Demystified” (Bandhas Lock, Mula, Uddiyana & Jalanhandra, Energy Locks)
This “Bandhas Demystified” video explains the various ‘locks’ in the human body that can be held and released, the three most commonly used Bandhas – Mula (root lock), Uddiyana (flying up lock), Jalanhandra (cloud catching lock) – which are contractions of specific muscles coupled with precise positioning of the spine, and how and why they are helpful. Mula Bandha contracts your pelvic floor, Uddiyana Bandha contracts the body’s center, and Jalanhandra contracts the throat area with the skull slightly tilted back directly over the spine. These locks can hold and move Prana (aka Vital Energy) around the body, and can create greater strength and stability in yoga postures. This Bandha practice can help develop a deeper understanding of how the breath affects the nervous system.
Lung Capacity “One Minute Breath”
Lung Capacity “One Minute Breath” (Pranayama)
This “One Minute Breath” video demonstrates how to lengthen your breath cycle over time, and release stress. This technique begins with a conscious pausing at the top and bottom of each breath. Eventually, each breath cycle will be expanded to: 15 second inhale +15 second hold +15 second exhale +15 second hold = 1 minute breath. Be patient. Observe your lung capacity expand. Enjoy feeling wonderful.
Opportunity to Change “Optimal Blueprint”
Opportunity to Change “Optimal Blueprint” (Finding Your Best In All Ways)
This “Optimal Blueprint” video teaches how to understand what your body needs, and to create a precise yet simple routine that improves overall attitude, posture, strength, health, and flexibility. For maximum benefit, focus on improving what is difficult rather than mastering what is easy.
Sun Salutation “We Greet the Day”
Sun Salutation “We Greet the Day” (Surya Namaskar)
This Sun Salutation video demonstrates a traditional sequence of twelve poses choreographed with breath. This sequence: 1) systematically stretches the front and back sides of the body while building heat; 2) links movement and breath which is fundamental to any yoga practice. Feel free to modify this routine while building your strength.
Spinal Energy “Chakras Demystified”
Spinal Energy “Chakras Demystified” (Seven Major Emotional Centers)
This “Chakras Demystified” video briefly describes the seven major emotional centers called Chakras (the Sanskrit word for “wheel”). Certain yoga postures have specific effects on certain Chakras, and can be used to foster balance and wholeness. Improving the overall alignment of these wheels will enhance the relationship between your emotional and physical bodies.